Vitamins needed to improve men’s potency

Every self-respecting man always wants to please his woman. But to achieve this, you need to feel energetic, active and young and, most importantly, be healthy. Most importantly, in an intimate sense, one has complete confidence in oneself and one’s abilities. This article is about potency-enhancing vitamins for men.

Concept of potential

Sexual power is the ability of the human body to have sex. Otherwise it is called masculine power. And in a broad sense - the ability of sex life. In general, this concept is equivalent to male sexuality. That is, potency determines a man’s options in sex and also characterizes penile tension. We analyze how sexual arousal arises. First, testosterone is activated and forms a nerve impulse to the hypothalamus.

vitamins to increase efficiency

Blood entering the penis fills the cavernous space and the penis enlarges. With an erection, the sphincter of the bladder contracts. This prevents sperm from entering the bladder. Male orgasm releases testosterone into the prostate gland. Sperm are secreted into the iron deferens and then enter the urethra. This is how ejaculation appears.

This concept cannot be applied to the female body, i. e. female potential, as they cannot give a clear wording. However, unlike female menopause, male menopause has only abnormal signs.

The peak of men’s potential is achieved through all psychological and emotional actions, changing the environment and emotional excitement.

Factors influencing male potency:

weak potency how to increase vitamins
  • Time.
  • Disease.
  • Experience.
  • Enthusiasm.

There are also short-lived excesses, as can be seen in recently disbanded military personnel and men over the age of 65. In older men, in the absence of 2 months of intercourse, the excesses can stop completely, until the onset of impotence.

Continued use of alcohol and drugs can lead to certain diseases that can lead to impotence.

In addition, anabolic steroids and various drugs used in bodybuilding lead to rapid extinction of efficacy.

What does the potential improvement depend on?

To improve erections, you need to take various vitamins, high quality foods, hormones that increase testosterone levels in men.

First, a man should exclude certain foods from his daily diet:

coffee as a illicit product while taking vitamins for effectiveness
  1. Cholesterol.
  2. Different types of coffee.
  3. Salt.
  4. Alcohol and cigarettes.
  5. Energy drinks.

Alcohol and energy drinks are the most dangerous not only to the male reproductive system but to the body as a whole. Firstly, because not all of them are made from high-quality products, and secondly, they contain various chemically produced food additives, which is very important for men’s health.

The main product that negatively affects the male hormone, testosterone, coffee. It is caffeine that lowers testosterone levels in a man’s body.

Useful products to improve potency:

  1. Rye bread.
  2. Various nettle infusions.
  3. Honey and nuts.
  4. Honey and ginger.
  5. Dandelion decoctions.

A man begins to suffer from potency, sexual activity and erection after 40 years. Such disadvantages may be associated with a decrease in testosterone.

You can improve your potency at several points:

  • Regular sex.
  • Healthy and right lifestyle.
  • Normal weight.
  • Periodic and good rest.
  • Phytotherapy.
  • Regular sports activities.

Vitamins to improve potency

Vitamins should be taken to improve potency and erection in men. However, you can only achieve good results and a feeling of fullness through complex use.

Vitamins needed by men to improve potency and increase erections:

  • A. The most common vitamin that is widely used to treat many diseases. This vitamin contains carotene, which ensures a good immune system. The vitamin prevents the passage of various infections and inflammatory processes.
  • E. This vitamin balances the work of the endocrine glands, namely the pituitary gland, which develops sex hormones and increases sperm maturation.
  • C. Basically, this vitamin is used in the prevention of prostate disease. It increases testosterone and also produces pleasure hormones.
  • And many other vitamins: D, all B vitamins.

There are many types of vitamins that stimulate the potential of men.

In addition to vitamins, the use of trace elements is permitted:

  • Zinc.
  • Calcium.
  • Potassium.
  • Selenium.
  • Magnesium.

In addition to the natural vitamins described above, it is also possible to use drugs with sufficient vitamin content.

It is best to take vitamins that completely heal the body, stimulate the reproductive system.

Hormonal drugs

vitamin preparations for potency

In addition to potency-enhancing vitamins for men, there are also hormonal drugs. Let’s deal with male hormones in general. Testosterone or dihydrotestosterone. These hormones are the most important in men’s lives. When testosterone enters the bloodstream, it triggers aggression in a man. In addition, these hormones regulate beard growth and the appearance of bald spots, reduce sound, and help navigate space - usually everything that distinguishes men from women.

But testosterone is also present in the female body, only in small amounts, as in men - female estrogens. Increased levels of estrogen in the male body can cause an increase in male body weight.

Hormonal medications for men are called androgens.

Hormonal medications for men are available in several forms:

  • Capsules.
  • Pills.
  • Ointments.
  • Implants.
  • Adhesive plaster.

Each species has its own characteristics

Any hormonal medication should be prescribed by a doctor and the individual dose of each person will also be examined as people have different hormonal backgrounds. Account must be taken of the fact that any hormonal agent acts on other internal organs. They can be prescribed hormones for allergies, various infections and other diseases. Hormone powder tablets are also widely consumed.

It should be borne in mind that improper use of hormonal pills can lead to prostate cancer.

But hormonal gels or ointments are most effective because they are easily and quickly absorbed in the area of application, so you can feel the result faster. But contraindications may come to light in the form of body irritations.

Of course, every man wants to orgasm his loved one. According to statistics, about 60% of women cannot experience it. Therefore, you should strive to increase potency and improve erections.

There are ways to make your loved one feel good:

  • Kamasutra can help you change your sexual position.
  • Improve your potency, which can extend the plot by up to an hour.
  • Sensitive areas of a woman's body. G point.

What's the point of Gee?

This concept was proposed by a German gynecologist back in the 1950s. This is the place on the front of the vagina that is 7 cm deep. When a woman is excited, you can feel this point at the top. It is a small ball with a different contact surface than the other surface parts. With the intervention of the mechanical organs that stimulate her, the woman will experience joy. However, this point can be in another area, each individual, so one has a duty to gradually find this point.

So vitamins and minerals can get into the body through a balanced diet and a healthy lifestyle. It is also recommended to use vitamins that fully improve the immune system because it usually improves a man’s health and helps to say goodbye to problems in bed.